Our successes
To address the biggest threats to the natural world, we’ve set ourselves many ambitious targets to meet by 2018 – in six key areas.
Giant progress
China’s fourth National Giant Panda survey found at least 1,864 pandas in the wild– a rise of nearly 17% since 2003
Stripes surveyed
Wild tiger populations are showing signs of increasing – at the halfway point in a 12-year plan to double their numbers
Amazing Amur tale
We’ve helped to increase wild Amur leopard populations from around 35 to around 70 in the last nine years
Javan joy
Footage from Java’s Ujung Kulon National Park has revealed welcome evidence that Javan rhinos are breeding
Snow tracks
We’ve helped ensure no snow leopards were poached or killed in retaliation for attacks on livestock in Kangchenjunga, Nepal
Amazon abundance
We supported a count of Amazon river dolphins in an area threatened by hydropower development
Beyond borders
Camera traps we set up show wild Amur tigers are steadily spreading further into China, beyond the border with Russia
Turtle increase
We’ve recorded an increase in the number of adult female turtles nesting in Lamu seascape, Kenya
Magical Mekong
A report we collated shows 139 previously unknown species in the region around the Greater Mekong river
Rainforest rescue
Our successful public campaign with Sky, to keep one billion trees standing in the Amazon, ended in 2015
Ocean blues
Our Living Blue Planet Report highlights that average population sizes of marine vertebrates have nearly halved since 1970
Robot recce
We’ve launched marine robots to help us better understand the importance of UK marine hotspots to wildlife
Amazon millions
An Amazon protection programme we helped launch in 2002 now helps protect 59.3m hectares of rainforest
Treetop triumph
We’re working to restore forest cover in Sabah, Borneo, so it offers better habitat for wildlife including orang-utans
Logging axed
Our efforts to raise awareness about the critical importance to wildlife of particular forests in China have paid off
UK water win
We won our legal action against Defra and the Environment Agency for failing to ensure the UK’s most precious rivers, lakes and coastal areas were healthy
Pantanal pact
With HSBC, we’ve been encouraging action to protect springs and rivers and secure the future of the Pantanal
Finless feat
We supported translocation of eight finless porpoises, which can start new populations in lakes we’ve been helping to restore
Seeds of success
A scheme we launched with HSBC is reducing soil erosion in the Mara river basin. It’s part of our efforts to restore river flows and improve livelihoods
Turning the tide
We’ve designed a system that shows dam developers which Amazon rivers are priorities for conservation
Snap happy
We helped to release 65 captive-bred young gharials in a wildlife sanctuary in the upper Ganges
Fighting for forests
More than 100,000 people added their names to our forest campaign petition. Over 50 well-known businesses have given us their backing, too
Union for tuna
A new partnership will improve the sustainability rating of about one third of all canned tuna sold in the UK
Timber sustainability scores
Our Timber Scorecard assessed the transparency of 100 businesses about their use of sustainable timber
Tuna triumph
We won an award for our technical support and leadership for sustainable fisheries in the south-west Indian Ocean
Trade body backing
The Timber Trade Federation, which has 300-plus members, signed up to support our forest campaign
African agreement
We helped broker a groundbreaking agreement that Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Tanzania and Uganda will improve timber trade in this region
Seafood success
We’ve raised greater awareness among fishing fleets and government fisheries departments about MSC certification
Fillip for the Philippines
Our yellowfin tuna improvement project in the Philippines has received new support from several UK companies
A global deal
More than 190 countries reached a ground-breaking agreement to tackle climate change, at UN talks in Paris
Action for the Arctic
We’ve been helped in our efforts to inspire people to take action to tackle climate change, thanks to a film by Finn and Jack Harries (JacksGap)
Scotland renewables success
We published research identifying the path to Scotland becoming a fully renewable electricity nation by 2030
Poetry promotion
Stephen Fry, Meera Syal, Jarvis Cocker and others helped us engage millions of people on the subject of climate change
Scotland’s way ahead
WWF Scotland was among the founding members of Scotland’s Low Carbon Infrastructure Task Force
Building on Scotland’s energy efficiency
The Scottish government committed to establish energy efficiency as a National Infrastructure Priority
Global goals
UN member states adopted new goals to guide the planet towards sustainable development over the next 15 years
Wellbeing in Wales
The Welsh Assembly passed a groundbreaking act to further sustainable development in Wales
Keeping Europe’s nature alive
We joined more than 500,000 people who spoke up to preserve EU laws that protect Europe’s amazing wildlife
Rethinking risk
Our report showed almost a third of UNESCO natural World Heritage sites are under threat of oil, gas and mining exploration