In 2016, we celebrated the wonderful news that wild tiger numbers have increased for the first time in conservation history! This incredible turning point provided the perfect moment to encourage everyone to become a tiger protector. So we created a heart-warming advert – ‘A tiger in suburbia’ – to raise awareness as well as funds to improve their protection. It’s been listed among the most-loved Christmas ads of 2016. We hope it makes you feel inspired, too.

Our Living Planet Report 2016 predicts that unless we change things now, we’ll see a 67% decline in populations of the world’s wildlife between 1970 and 2020. It’s a stark message, but one that many of our supporters have rallied behind – calling on governments across the UK to take more ambitious action to protect nature at home and overseas. We invited our ambassador Sir David Attenborough and Professor Johan Rockström of the Stockholm Resilience Centre to reflect on the report’s findings and the impact humans are having on our planet. The result is a must-see.
“In my lifetime I have seen something of the marvellous range of wild species with which we share the planet. But due to the changes which today afflict the world, no one born tomorrow will have the opportunity to see such variety. We must surely do all we can to protect what remains.”
Sir David Attenborough, WWF ambassador

“A rhino means life to me. We account for each and every rhino, each and every day. I’m always on the look-out for poachers. It needs dedication; it needs passion. When you see a rhino, your heart cheers up.”
Harrison Kamande, rhino ranger in Nairobi National Park.
It’s only by working together that we’ll be able to achieve everything we hope to for our precious planet.
We depend on public goodwill, but our long-standing partnerships with businesses are also fundamental: for example, our work with HSBC has helped transform the prospects of some of the world’s most vital freshwater resources. The areas where we work are home to a billion people and some of the world’s most endangered species.
This inspiring film touches on the impacts our partnership has had – on rivers and the people who depend on them.